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Szerkesztők: Kaposi Zoltán ; Rab Virág
További szerzők: Kaposi Zoltán ; Rab Virág; Fata Márta; Gonda Tibor; Nagy Imre Gábor; Borsy Judit; Halász Imre; Lengvári István; Lukács Gábor; Szanati Angéla; Bacsi Zsuzsanna; Poór Judit; Tóth Éva; Czina Sára; Fritz János; Luka Dániel; Nyári Tamás; Pavletits Péter; Pelles Márton; Szabó Máté; Zsindely Borbála Rózsa
Cím: Economic and Social Changes
Alcím: Historical Facts, Analyses and Interpretations
Sorozatcím: Studies on Economic and Social History from Southern Transdanubia I.
Megjelenési adatok: Working Group of Economic and Social History Regional Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Pécs, Pécs, 2021. | ISSN: 2732-3048 | ISBN: 78-963-429-628-7 | DOI: 10.15170/SESHST-01

coverimage Summarizing the academic research in South Transdanubia, initiating a dialogue among academics, and disseminating their academic achievements in a circle as broad as possible are considered essential tasks by the Working Group of Economic and Social History of the Regional Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Pécs. We pay special attention to research issues relevant for the region and also to the education of the new generation of researchers and lecturers, among other things, by the publication of the academic achievements of our doctoral students. The objectives specified above were the motivation for the organization of a conference on 26 November 2020 – online, adjusting to the changed conditions – and the publication of the papers made from the presentations after several proofreading rounds. The organisation of the conference was also supported by the Southern Transdanubia Committee of the Hungarian Historical Society. To make the research activity of the working group visible in the international arena, the studies are published in English and German language. The book is a collection of papers by colleagues of seven different institutions. Regarding their institutional affiliations, most of them are university lecturers, but some of the authors work in archives. The eight doctoral students do their studies and research in the Doctoral School of Regional Policy and Economics and the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School of the University of Pécs. The topics analyzed cover different Hungarian and European economic and social history fields in the 18th-20th centuries, indicating the broad range of research carried out in the region. Three papers analyze the economic modernization processes of cities and towns in South Transdanubia (Pécs, Nagykanizsa, and Barcs), four were written on economic transitions at the national level (plantations, land policy, cafés, and economic policy). In recent years, a popular research area is the history of tourism, on which three papers of the book were written (tourism in Pécs, narrow-gauge railways, and the medical spa of Sikonda). An old and important research topic on South Transdanubia is manors‘ history, represented by two papers written on Keszthely (in the book). Two studies deal with the operation of the traditional Baranya world (viticulture and mills), one with the transformation of the financial institutions, and a paper with social history focus introduces the composition of university students in Pécs in the 1920s. The territorial horizon of the papers is broad: an essay on Pomerania and another one on Fiume (now Rijeka) is a demonstration of research in this field.

Kapcsolt elemek

Kategóriák: Történelem
Formátum: OCR szöveg
Típus: könyv
