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Szerző: De Bellaigue, Christina
Cím: Educating women
Alcím: schooling and identity in England and France, 1800-1867
Megjelenési adatok: Oxford University Press, Oxford - New York, 2007. | ISBN: 978-0-19-928998 1

coverimage I have incurred many debts in working on this book. My research was generously supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Board, and by the Warden and Fellows ofMerton College, Oxford. 1 am grateful to the Spencer Foundation and the American National Academy of Education for the generous Post-Doctoral Fellowship that enabled me to spend a productive year at the Stanford Institute for Research on Women and Gender. My heartfelt thanks are due to Gillian Sutherland, who has guided me throughout my research and whose intellectual rigour and wisdom have been unfailing. Jean-Noël Luc fostered the early stages of my work and has continued to offer guidance and support. Many other friends and colleagues have given generously of their time and advice, particularly Susan Groag Bell, Elvire de Coëdogon, Kathryn Gleadle, Gabrielle Houbre, Olwen Hufton, Joanna Innés, Hazel Mills, and Karen Offen. I am indebted to Rebecca Rogers for her encouragement and for allowing me to read her manuscript before it was published. Michèle Cohen, Gillian Dow, Maroussia Raveaud, and William Whyte also shared their unpublished work. Michèle Cohen, Gillian Dow, Celina Fox, Robert Gildea, Janet Howarth, Alison Kay, Diana Selig, and Robert Tombs have all kindly read and provided constructive comments on all or parts of the draft. I am grateful to the readers for Oxford University Press for their thoughtful and careful commentaries, and to Rupert Cousens, Anne Gelling, and Alice Jacobs for their patience and guidance. I am entirely responsible for any errors and flaws that remain. For permission to make use of the copyright material in their charge I am indebted to the British and Foreign School Society (BFSS) Archive, Brunei University, to the College of Preceptors Archive at the Institute of Education Archives, to the Mistress and Fellows of Girton College, Cambridge, to the Governesses’ Benevolent Institution, to the Principal and Fellows of Harris Manchester College, Oxford, to the Lilly Library, Indiana University, Bloom- ington, Indiana, to North London Collegiate School Library, to the Angus Library, Regent’s Park College, Oxford for permission to use material left to the college by Marjorie Reeves, to the Society of Authors as agent for the Provost and Scholars of King’s College, Cambridge, to the Special Collections Department of the University of Sheffield Library, to the Trustees of the Wedgwood Museum, Barlaston, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, and to Whitelands College, Roehampton University. Charmian Snowden and the late Nanette Godfrey very kindly invited me to Tudor Hall School to see their archival material. I am very grateful to the many archivists and librarians who have provided expert advice.
Kategóriák: Neveléstudomány
Tárgyszavak: Nőnevelés, Franciaország, Neveléstörténet, Oktatásügy, Anglia
Formátum: OCR szöveg
Típus: könyv

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Book cover
Title page
Impressum / Copyright
List of Illustrations
List of Figures
1. The Development of Schooling for Girls in England and France
2. Becoming a Schoolmistress
3. The Business of School-Keeping
4. Teaching as a Profession
5. Becoming a Schoolgirl
6. Lessons and Learning
7. Crossing the Channel
Select Bibliography

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