Turning to the age of 75 is such a nice occasion that we might be allowed to break down accepted forms, to offer irregular congratulations when greeting Professor Antal Ádám. This sort of opportunity is provided also by his long professional career, since we have managed to perceive his work on several anniversaries. Perhaps only a few people know about the fact that the internationally recognised Constitutional lawyer of our age was almost directed to the teaching profession by the former regime. Although he exchanged pedagogy to legal studies as soon as an opportunity occurred, this break seems not to have been fatefully definitive: he has still become a Teacher. There is no special certificate or diploma to prove this, but thousands of students (who have selected him the most popular tutor many times) warrant it, and his colleagues evidently acknowledge him. He is a genuine tutor, who regards even exams as a sort of final possibility for consultation and he thinks, even during the exams, it is not too late to impart his knowledge. (His example has been followed: at present, several of us confess and follow his example by teaching prospective colleagues, graduating students even at state examinations.) Those who question Professor Ádám are never left without a reply: his answers are characterised by politeness and patience, empathy and thinking together, thoughtfulness and sound foundations and also problemorientation. He keeps raising potential connections namely giving ideas as well. He bears a comprehensive base of knowledge generously distributed: he himself contributes to the development of the science of Hungarian Constitutional law and Constitutional theory with dozens of studies every year. He spares no effort to promote the publications of his colleagues through undertaking the editing activity of scientific reviews, conference volumes and volumes of essays and studies by supporting their publication and working as a literary adviser. We, together with him, may deservedly be proud of
his life work. This fruitful creative activity is supported by an extremely comprehensive interdisciplinary literacy that is verified by the ample references and precise quoting of Hungarian and foreign-language legal literature, philosophical works and studies in the field of political sciences...