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Szerkesztők: Fenyvesi Csaba; Herke Csongor
További szerzők: Bercea, Lucian; Ciopec, Flaviu; Curtotti Nappi, Donatella; Saravo, Luigi; Dobrocsi Szilvia; Fantoly Zsanett; Fenyvesi Csaba; Filipčič, Katja; Gál István László; Hautzinger Zoltán; Herke Csongor ; Hetesy Zsolt; Asinski, Wojciech; Chojniak, Łukas; Jimeno-Bulnes, Mar; Kardos Sándor; Elek Balázs; Kulcsár Gabriella; Mészáros Bence; Nagy Judit; Nagy Zoltán András ; Phillips, Edward; Tóth Csenge Diána
Cím: Pleadings
Alcím: Celebration volume of professor Tremmel Flórián's 70th birthday
Sorozatcím: Studia Iuridica Auctoritate Universitatis Pécs publicata ; 148.
Megjelenési adatok: Pécsi Tudományegyetem Állam- és Jogtudomány Kar, Pécs, 2011. | ISSN: 0324-5934 | ISBN: 978-963-642-382-7

coverimage Felicitations to our estemeed master. We are all pupils of the person feted. It feels pleasant to say so since we have all experienced that a pupil is not the one whom we are teaching or have taught (for we have so many of them) but the one who has learned something from us. We may say with full justification that we have always had something new to learn from our Master. Neither the word Master itself, nor its spelling with capital ‘M’ is an exaggeration as - luckily - we are not the only ones. The two thick volumes of studies, Minutiae and Evidence, published in honour of his 60th and 65th birthday together with the studies herein written by his pupils and admirers in Hungary and abroad are a clear demonstration of it. Each piece of writing is a short pleading for him, to him and in his favour and honour. We all feel that reaching this 70th spring is a milestone in the career of our honoured Professor. What will remain unchanged henceforward? His enthusiasm for criminal procedure as a science of law and for forensic science as a science of fact. His devotion to and activity in physical sports strengthening the body, spirit and mind (table tennis) and mental sports (chess). His attraction towards literature, especially rhetoric, poetry and musical instruments (violin and piano), his creativity and playfulness. His affection and supportive zest provided to his family, colleagues and students. Ilis sustained involvement and engagement in learning English, which he can further perform by reading the studies of this volume - not having been written accidentally in this lingua franca. As he keeps telling his students, “work cannot be concealed”, we do hope we will enjoy the fruits of his working capacity and intensity, his coruscating wit and scholarly engrossment in the future too. May you be happy, cheerful and even-tempered, enjoy good health and a loving family harmony, and have further grateful pupils. This is what we and the co-authors wish - or propose as if in a pleading.
